Saturday, March 28, 2009

Me and Eliza...

Today Eliza and I hung out a bunch as Kristen was doing some PRN work at the nursing home. We had a lot of fun. Not too much happening on my employment front yet but that is to be expected. I hope that I get a job at the VA. Going back into social work will be different but I am sure that I will like it. I did once before. I love teaching but right now the economy has forced most colleges to implement a hiring freeze. Although if one certain college hires another full time coach I may croak. I guess we all have money for the things we want.

Had my birthday yesterday, not too traumatic. Spent time with friends, it was fun. Tonight helping to celebrate my mom's bday by going out to the Riverfront restaurant in Kingsport. Truly we could not take care of our child without my mom and dad. They help us out a ton. I have only seen Eliza act excited to see someone like she really knew them--Kristen of course, me, and my mom. She is a good judge of character...

1 comment:

Finleys Nana said...

Happy Birthday- late of course...