Saturday, January 31, 2009

Taxes, weight and other stuff

Finished up the taxes today and now we wait on the refund. Dave Ramsey says we should pay it all towards debt but I bet we will only pay off our credit card. We would like to continue renovating our kitchen a bit but we aren't getting a huge refund so we might have to wait on new countertops.

I think this whole Dave Ramsey approach to debt is good. I don't agree with everything he says (i.e. he is against whole life, he hates student loans, etc.) But I think that with some discipline Kristen and I can pay off our debt. But I think it will take some effort and the learning of new ways.

I have been trying to lose weight since November and since I learned I had type II diabetes. I have now lost about 23 pounds and have about 15 more to go. I am now at my pre marriage weight but would like to be a bit thiner. Kristen of course is smaller than ever. And today I wanted to show a picture of our little girl. I really love hanging out with her.

1 comment:

Christy said...

sooooooooooo glad to hear that you see the light at the end of the tunnel!!!! woo hoo...