Wednesday, June 18, 2008


Today I get some allergy testing done. I think they are considering putting me on shots. I have never been on allergy shots but always wondered why I was not. In other news, I have whip lash. Apparently Teresa, (mother in law) asked Kristen if she had "whip lash" from her flight across the Atlantic. Finally Kristen realized she meant "Jet Lag." Apparently it can take a little while to get over. Who knew? In other words it is so nice to see my beautiful wife each and every day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOL! I was wondering what in the world would have given you whip lash. Was it a bad landing, too much turbulance... Too funny!

It took Will a while to get over his "whip lash" when he came home from AZ. He was only gone a week. Good luck with that!