Tuesday, June 10, 2008

what reading sixteenth century documents will do to you...

Greetings gentle reader, hark unto this literary effort which I endue with my most simple yet adorned prose. For it is in these very verses that I, like some Homeric epic, tell you the tale of an adventurer far from his beloved Penelope searching the seas for knowledge and wisdom. Yet perchance as if the Fates themselves had peradventured my own lot in life, I too having descended into the underworld now see the fabled land of Ithaca before me. The gentle rider Apollo shines his morning light on to my quest leading me back to family and friends. Alas, what wonders I have seen and must tell when I am at home. But for now I drink of Lethe's waters in attempt to forget that my morning is not yet nigh.


Christy said...

I read..."Greetings...blah, blah, blah, blah..." was that even English? :o)

4 more days!!!

Roberson said...

Does it make me a nerd to have understood and secretly enjoyed that???? Haha. Nice writing.

Anonymous said...

What does that really mean?
