Friday, June 13, 2008

My last day in London....for a while anyway

Well i got up and went to the British Musuem because it's free and I thought I would spend some quality time in the medieval Europe section. Just concentrate on one section since the Museum is so huge. But that section was closed. So I looked at some mummies and then decided to leave and see what else I could get into on my last day. This is picture of the front of the museum. Picture it about three more pictures on the left and three on the right to give you an idea of how HUGE that place is. It used to be the old British Library.

So I got on the tube and thought I will go to Notting Hill and see what is up there. Anyone seen the movie? I got off the tube and didn't see anything that spectacular but saw a sign that said Portabello Market this way. So I thought that must be it. Well I walked forever till I came upon their world famous street market.

I Feel guilty about going because it went on for a mile or more. And I know that Kristen would've loved it. But it was pretty cool. Kind of like the Blue Plum on steroids. They had antiques, jewlrey, books, clothes, fresh fruit, fresh fish (smelled really bad), and even fresh pork and chicken. It was a street market with food vendors, souvenoirs, and groceries. Strawberries, Plums, dragon fruit, fish heads, you name it, it was there.

So here are a couple of shots for you. Most of the prices seemed a bit negotiable as well unlike most London areas. So eventually I came back to the room to try to pack my bags. I am excited about seeing Kristen and my good buddy Charles and his wife Nancy and their young-uns. Cheers

1 comment:

Roberson said...

That's the market where I got those Raspberries and ate them all while I walked. And I got that really old Alice and Wonderland book there, too!

Are you home yet?