Sunday, June 8, 2008

beautiful day..

Well here I am on the most beautiful day of the trip and I am in my room translating Latin. The only problem is that Elizabeth's script is so hard to read and so full of abbreviations. Here take a look for yourself.
See even just writing down the letters is difficult because they had all kinds of little abbreviations for things, you know the way we with things such as & or @. Knowing how to decipher script is another skill called Paleography, it is a skill where I am an amateur on my best day. I have found that this is a letter from Elizabeth to Ferdinand I about a possible marriage to his son. I just haven't quite figured out her response. She didn't marry him but I am curious if she flatly said no or she artfully dodged the question. Back to work. In the meantime anyone who can offer help is welcomed.

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